Monday, June 13, 2016

Refugee Crisis

A Wrenching SOS, a carefully written editorial published by New York Times, explores the idea of the “refugee crisis”. This article was written by “The Editorial Board”, consisting of sixteen well educated journalists with very impressive political backgrounds. The authors, lead by James Bennet, include a wide range of journalistic expertise varying from national politics, legal affairs, tax policy and many more. The audience of this article is a politically aware group of educated people who have a vested interest in humanity, as well as the government's impact on the world. The political argument is how involved the government should become with the “desperate human beings at risk”. New York Times strongly believes that it is our duty as a country to help refugees in need, this is presented and argued through language, evidence and logic. For instance, this article begins by talking about “painful to watch” released videos of refugee packed ships and also constantly uses words with strong connotations such as “grotesquely”, “cruel”, “painful” and “desperate”. This causes the reader to subconsciously sympathise and feel for these victims. In addition, throughout this article many important pieces of evidence are stated. The fact that the Obama administration declared that it would resettle 10,000 syrian refugees but so far only admitted one fourth of that total is completely mind boggling. Bringing this to the audience's attention causes the reader to fully understand the actions being done for this tragedy. I agree with this article's claim and think it is important for America to aid any refugees in need. The NY Times presented an idea for a solution to this issue, coordination among European Nations. No matter the fix to this problem, it is evident that the refugee crisis needs to be dealt with, and turning our back to it is not the way. By America giving our assistance to this cause the U.S can help lead the “global rescue effort”.

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