Stem cell research is a very controversial topic trending the the United States. Although it has remarkable effects stem cell research has been deemed immoral. Most people are unaware of what stem cells truly are and their capabilities, understanding this will most definitely show how important it is to allow stem cells to be used when necessary.
Stem cells are truly remarkable, their possibilities are endless in a sense. Depending on the type of stem cell, it is able to change into a different kind of cell with different specialized functions (Stem Cell Basics). There are several sources of stem cells, depending on where the cell was derived from, its capabilities may vary. The most useful kind is the embryonic, coming from embryos that are three to five days old. Embryonic stem cells are pluripotent, meaning they can become ANY kind of cell in the body. Their versatility allows them to help with any kind of disease. Another kind of stem cell is adult stem cells, which can be found in bone marrow or even fat. The capabilities of this specific cell is limited compared to embryonic cells. There is only a few things that adult stem cells can imitate. The last source for stem cells is the umbilical cord and amniotic fluid. Although we do know that stem cells are located there we do not know its capabilities (Stem Cell Transplant).
There have been many case studies done to prove the great effects of stem cells. An example of the many success stories is Laura Dominguez. After a horrible car accident she was diagnosed as a quadriplegic. Shortly after her accident she decided to proceed with a surgery using stem cells. Miraculously, her spinal cord began to heal, something many doctors said to be impossible. Now, Laura can feel in many parts of her lower half, can stand but most incredibly she can move her legs again. Just like Laura there are many people that can benefit greatly from stem cells. The possibilities of these particular cells are quite amazing, leading me to believe that stem cell research should be able to be further investigated and to be used in the future (Stem Cell Research Facts).
The proof and case studies speak for themselves, they work. The question is why would anyone oppose of the use of stem cells? Controversy arises from both adult and embryonic stem cells. Religious groups strongly believe that life begins at the moment of conception, making any research on embryos the same as murder. Although adult stem cells are not located in the embryo and therefore do not have any correlation with the reproductive system people still argue that adult stem cells are just as capable as embryonic. This argument has many problems. First of all, believing that using stem cells is equivalent to killing a human life is absolutely ridiculous. Embryos are incapable of existing outside of the womb, making them not living. Secondly, if the stem cells are going to be destroyed anyway it is more efficient to turn a loss into something great, transforming lives for an example. It ultimately comes down to the benefit from stem cell research outweighing the cost. Stem cell research will save lives in the future, but why not start tomorrow?
“Stem Cell Basics.” : Introduction [Stem Cell Information]. Web. 25 Oct. 2015.
“Stem Cell Research Facts - Adult Stem Cell Success -.” Stem Cell Research Facts - Adult Stem Cell Success -. Web. 21 Oct. 2015.
“Stem Cell Transplant.” Stem cells: What they are and what they do. Web. 25 Oct. 2015.